Tae Kwon Do on the Ground?

Is it real? Is it even possible?

I get really worked up on this topic so much to the point that one day I will have to write a book on it. For starters the theory of power in TKD is that power starts at the ground. So if you are on the ground, then to answer naysayers, yes TKD can be used on the ground. Now that does not mean you have a clue as to how to use it on the ground, but just understanding the laws of physics, TKD principals still stand. (I did not mean to make that into a pun) 

Have you ever had your class pair up, one lay down on their back and the other dawn a pad, then ask them to go through the basics? Hand strike, elbow, knee, and kick. My guess is this has never even crossed your mind to do such a thing. So if it has never crossed your mind then how would any TKD practitioner ever think it’s worth using on the ground? 

They can be expected to put two and two together, it’s the instructors job to pass on the knowledge they have, and most likely they have never ran drills like this either. So then what happens? Well BJJ begins to be used as a supplement to the TKD system that is being taught at that school. This is flawed. Because it leads the TKD students to believe TaeKwonDo’s purpose is to be on the ground, when it’s not. It’s a striking art that needs to remain focused on the vital points. 

Catch or Trap Wrestling is good for getting back up to the feet fast, but what about when you’re in someone else’s guard and they are trying for a fancy arm lock or tricky submission, then you wrap your hands around their throat and squeeze the life out of them? This is not taught in BJJ but, and you can argue with me all day on this if you want, but I believe ITF has a low belt pattern that illustrates this move standing up. Is it fancy, no, but it sure is effective. 

The second main point I would always make to people, as a TKD and Korean art apologist, is that your vital points and pressure points are still present to me when you take me to the ground. I have spent years callusing my finger tips to hit you right where it hurts. Please review the chart below to see just how many options I have to use TKD on the ground, just with my fingertips. 

Also, and I don’t know if I have ever posted something about this or not, but all strikes are blocks and all blocks are strikes. Once you get that then you will double your arsenal. Goodness, I could rant on about this for ever but I had better stop. Check out this link, I think it’s lame, because its saying, “TKD and ground fighting” not TKD ground fighting. TKD can still hurt the heck out of people on the ground believe me I have done it.


I am not a belt ranked efficienato of Brazilian Jujitsu but in town (4th largest city in the USA) we have a well renowned BJJ school, and I consistently submitted a blue belt from there once. So to say I am a foreigner to the BJJ system would be a lie. I have surly absorbed quite a bit of it over time, just playing around, but I can tell you from experience that TKD works on the ground. You just have to completely change the way you practice what you know. 

You need to focused on the vital points and the hard, bone crushing, techniques that it teaches. And as I have said since the beginning of this blog, those are all found in the forms, ITF and WTF. So learn them, and you will help champion the true essence of TKD. 

Don't hurt people, peace.

1 comment:

  1. This is such a great resource that you are providing and you give it away for free. I love seeing blog that understand the value of providing a quality resource for free.


Kick above the belt.