ITF Vs WTF On a Much Larger Scale

The Game changer: Then back to the way it was.

TKD Sanctuary

Below is an article from the Korean Times, which tests the waters of this soon to be global discussion. As of now it seems that mostly the discussion is in Korea but TKD Times also has been reporting on this for a long time. Basically the North, which runs the ITF, decided they wanted to put together the best architectural display of what they believe TKD is. I, being from an ITF background, will probably want to side with most of their reported perspectives, but will more than likely support my own national heritage (USA) over their end all decisions.

What I mean is that the North seems to be like a road paved with good intentions, yet always manages to create a road that’s paved to Hell. Kim, Jung ll spoke sincerely about uniting the TKDs but that never happened. We must understand that there will always be more than meets the eyes to this type of discussion. The North and the South have been at odds since before I was borne, and may still be till the day I die, but if I were to predict the future I would say that; yes it will be only though the North’s initial move that the countries will re-unite, but that it would only come on the South’s terms. There are too many national interests and global interests involved in SK as of now and I don’t see that changing. Why would they want to change a working economy?

The North as we all know motioned toward the socialism route, which again is based on good intentions, but was overcome by corruption and now is a full scale communist state. The South however moved toward the global platform and embraced the capitalism structure. Long story short, the South is doing much better.
But big ups to the TKD Times for sticking to it’s motto. They reached out to the North’s effort to unify the TKDs, and have embraced this move as a hopeful change in the right direction. 

Above is the TKD Times Magazine’s article on the North Korean Taekwondo Sanctuary.
So then the South Koreans, the WTF, came out with their plans to open the TKD Park. They later renamed it the Taekwondo Won, or Institute, and seemingly have one upped the North. 

The sheer beauty and imagination alone is light years beyond anything the North will be able to complete, but that just tells me the efforts are in vain. Neither side is trying to unite the TKDs, instead they are still competing with each other as to who is TKD. 

I would have to say that South Korea wins this battle. I judge this based on the idea of what they are building being more impressive, but will the North play their cards right? If they do, and open the ITF sanctuary up to the world, and to competitions, then over all they will have the opportunity to expand on what is the ITF Empire. However if they don’t and they go all recluse then nothing will be gained. Nothing except South Korea hosting the Olympics in the future and if they did that a structure like this would make TKD the Olympics main stage. 

Essentially both sides have much to gain for their federations assuming all hands are played right. Time will tell and no matter what happens one thing is for sure, I would love to see them both.


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