This is what they are saying out there, do you agree? If not then what are you doing about it?
It’s a common view in the martial arts that Tae Kwon Do is worthless or useless as a martial art for self-defense. This is because tkd is not properly broken down, analyzed, or even taught in most dojangs, not to say that there are not some exceptions. The sport side has pretty much taken over every aspect of tkd. While it has become a popular sport real self-defense is rarely if ever taught in wtf or itf. So it’s easy to see why people would think that it wouldn’t be useful for self-defense.
If broken down and analyzed correctly tkd can be more than useful for self-defense. It’s not that what is taught that’s wrong but how it’s taught. Take front kick, punch, side block or a parry you could take just those few moves and teach different ways to do them. Then learn how to use them to defend against most other moves, techniques, concepts and principals of attack you almost wouldn’t need to learn anything else. Just think if you did that with every move from white to black belt, you’d have a great arsenal of self-defense moves. Every martial artist knows that black belt is just the beginning, with that in mind one could come to the conclusion that tkd might not be so useless.
Tae Kwon Do just needs to be taught correctly for self-defense, it needs to get back to its origins. After all the word martial in martial arts means: inclined or disposed to war; warlike; of, suitable for, or associated with war or the armed forces; characteristic of or befitting a warrior. So how did tkd go from brutal martial art to sport? It was all politics that made tkd popular and got it to the Olympics. Now that it is so popular more of its origins should be taught. For people that want to keep training in the sport that’s fine but self-defense is much more important in whole as a society to keep ourselves and families safe.
But if you think TKD sucks then fight Andre Lima, or GSP, or Dan Hardy. ya know?