BigMac has great kicks...

BigMac is in the white, he trained under the same TKD instructors I did. On top of having great kicks he is extremely dedicated, and with that dedication comes a ton of loyalty. I asked him, after not seeing him in 5 years, to meet up and spar and he did. Like it was nothing, he eat, sleeps and breaths this stuff.

I am not a huge sport TKD guy but sparing is the best way to get in shape. I am going to have a sparing section come up in the future that will have basic drills and some hybrid style strategy, so stay tuned.

For right now check out the two new sections, one is for nutrition and the other is fashionish. If there are any other topics I can think of that are prevelant martial art conversation I will get that going as well. Don't hesitate to make a suggestion.


Photos by: Megan O'sullivan

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Kick above the belt.