TKD Sparring, It's own worst enemy

Why do you see people at this level, like the guy in red, that may be good but would never exceed in a MMA bout. It all has to do with the training. These guys are training for points, just like most TKD practitioners, and on impact the point is achieved. At more than one point in this fight the guy in red has adrenalin pumping though his veins, and you can see him wanting to go in for the kill, but the adrenaline is quickly overridden by the rules. TKD sparring is it's own worst enemy. It is an antiquated version of the martial art. It is stuck in the time period of proving it's own self worth in a re-emerging culture and it no longer speaks to the latest progressions in martial art sports.

If you are going to take your TKD to the next level then you need to get out of the TKD format. That is where you will learn what your TKD is good for. For instance in the sport of TKD you are granted with a false representation of explosive power. you can watch the video above and see that they explode with moves. They are so confident in the pre-exposed drills that everyone trains on, that they forget how to observe the elements in a fight that are unknown. I also like to train in pads, I also don't think I am the best. When I meet someone that thinks they are an awesome fighter, but all they know is the sport of TKD I laugh. In a real encounter their are no pads, rules or drills to train on. Just the unsustainable element of adrenaline that can actually work to your dis-advantage. I have a ton of thoughts on this topic but I am mearly ranting now. I will go on that note.

Peace out.

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